리눅스/관련 내용

[SAP HANA] sapconf vs saptune

ㅎㄷㄹㅁㅇ 2022. 3. 23. 11:13

SAPconf / SAPtune

SAPconf / SAPtune ?

SAPconf는 SAP 워크로드에 대해 시스템을 준비하기 위한 최소한의 tool입니다.  SAP 시스템을 사용하기 위해 OS Kernel 파라미터를 변경하는 도구라고 생각하면 됩니다.  부팅 시 sysctl 를 사용하여 동적으로 커널 매개변수를 SAP 시스템의 권장 값으로 설정합니다.

SAPtune은 더 세분화된 tool입니다. 전체 SAP note를 적용할 수 있으며 더 많은 solution을 제공합니다. SAP note와 solution을 쉽게 적용하고 시스템 변경 사항을 시뮬레이션 및 확인할 수 있습니다. 


SAPconf 와 SAPtune을 동시에 사용 할 수 없는 것으로 확인됩니다.



SAPconf / SAPtune 데몬의 실행이 가능한가? 

# systemctl status sapconf
● sapconf.service - sapconf
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sapconf.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (exited) since Mon 2022-03-21 10:48:09 KST; 5s ago
  Process: 2171 ExecStart=/usr/lib/sapconf/sapconf start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 2171 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Mar 21 10:48:09 test1 sapconf[2171]: 2022-03-21 10:48:09+09:00   Change transparent_hugepage from always to never
Mar 21 10:48:09 test1 sapconf[2171]: 2022-03-21 10:48:09+09:00   --- Going to apply performance settings
Mar 21 10:48:09 test1 sapconf[2171]: 2022-03-21 10:48:09+09:00   idle settings not supported for cpu 'cpu0'
Mar 21 10:48:09 test1 sapconf[2171]: 2022-03-21 10:48:09+09:00   'PERF_BIAS' not set in sysconfig file.
Mar 21 10:48:09 test1 sapconf[2171]: 2022-03-21 10:48:09+09:00   Leaving energy_perf_bias settings untouched
Mar 21 10:48:09 test1 sapconf[2171]: 2022-03-21 10:48:09+09:00   'GOVERNOR' not set in sysconfig file.
Mar 21 10:48:09 test1 sapconf[2171]: 2022-03-21 10:48:09+09:00   Leaving scaling governor settings untouched
Mar 21 10:48:09 test1 sapconf[2171]: 2022-03-21 10:48:09+09:00   --- Finished application of performance settings
Mar 21 10:48:09 test1 sapconf[2171]: 2022-03-21 10:48:09+09:00   --- Finished application of SAP tuning techniques
Mar 21 10:48:09 test1 systemd[1]: Started sapconf.

# systemctl status saptune
● saptune.service - Optimise system for running SAP workloads
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/saptune.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)

Mar 21 09:55:15 test1 saptune[1533]: WARNING: System does not support Intel's performance bias setting
Mar 21 09:55:15 test1 saptune[1533]: WARNING: governor settings not supported by the system
Mar 21 09:55:15 test1 saptune[1533]: WARNING: latency settings not supported by the system
Mar 21 09:55:15 test1 systemd[1]: Started Optimise system for running SAP workloads.
Mar 21 10:48:03 test1 systemd[1]: Stopping Optimise system for running SAP workloads...
Mar 21 10:48:03 test1 saptune[2135]: NOTICE: saptune is now reverting all settings...
Mar 21 10:48:03 test1 saptune[2135]: WARNING: System does not support Intel's performance bias setting
Mar 21 10:48:03 test1 saptune[2135]: WARNING: governor settings not supported by the system
Mar 21 10:48:03 test1 saptune[2135]: WARNING: latency settings not supported by the system
Mar 21 10:48:03 test1 systemd[1]: Stopped Optimise system for running SAP workloads.

# systemctl start saptune
Job for saptune.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl  status saptune.service" and "journalctl  -xe" for details.
# systemctl status saptune
● saptune.service - Optimise system for running SAP workloads
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/saptune.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2022-03-21 10:48:27 KST; 1s ago
  Process: 2352 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/saptune service apply (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
 Main PID: 2352 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Mar 21 10:48:27 test1 systemd[1]: Starting Optimise system for running SAP workloads...
Mar 21 10:48:27 test1 saptune[2352]: ERROR: found an active sapconf, so refuse any action
Mar 21 10:48:27 test1 systemd[1]: saptune.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Mar 21 10:48:27 test1 systemd[1]: Failed to start Optimise system for running SAP workloads.
Mar 21 10:48:27 test1 systemd[1]: saptune.service: Unit entered failed state.
Mar 21 10:48:27 test1 systemd[1]: saptune.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.


* 참고
SAPconf가 실행 중인 상태에서 SAPtune을 실행하면 SAPtune에 fail메시지가 발생하며 데몬 기동에 실패한다.




SAPtune 활성화 하기

# saptune solution list
All solutions (* denotes enabled solution, O denotes override file exists for solution, C denotes custom solutions, D denotes deprecated solutions):
	BOBJ               - 941735 1771258 2578899 SAP_BOBJ 2993054 1656250
	HANA               - 941735 1771258 1980196 2578899 2684254 2382421 2534844 2993054 1656250
 D	MAXDB              - 941735 1771258 2578899
	NETWEAVER          - 941735 1771258 2578899 2993054 1656250 900929
	NETWEAVER+HANA     - 941735 1771258 1980196 2578899 2684254 2382421 2534844 2993054 1656250
	S4HANA-APP+DB      - 941735 1771258 1980196 2578899 2684254 2382421 2534844 2993054 1656250
	S4HANA-APPSERVER   - 941735 1771258 2578899 2993054 1656250 900929
	S4HANA-DBSERVER    - 941735 1771258 1980196 2578899 2684254 2382421 2534844 2993054 1656250
	SAP-ASE            - 941735 1410736 1680803 1771258 2578899 2993054 1656250

Remember: if you wish to automatically activate the solution's tuning options after a reboot, you must enable and start saptune.service by running:
    saptune service enablestart

# saptune solution apply HANA
WARNING: Parameter 'kernel.shmmax' additional defined in the following sysctl config file /boot/sysctl.conf-5.3.18-24.67-default(0xffffffffffffffff).
WARNING: Parameter 'kernel.shmall' additional defined in the following sysctl config file /boot/sysctl.conf-5.3.18-24.67-default(0x0fffffffffffff00).
NOTICE: [block] section detected: Traversing all block devices can take a considerable amount of time.
WARNING: System does not support Intel's performance bias setting
WARNING: governor settings not supported by the system
WARNING: latency settings not supported by the system
All tuning options for the SAP solution have been applied successfully.

Remember: if you wish to automatically activate the solution's tuning options after a reboot, you must enable and start saptune.service by running:
    saptune service enablestart
# saptune solution list
All solutions (* denotes enabled solution, O denotes override file exists for solution, C denotes custom solutions, D denotes deprecated solutions):
	BOBJ               - 941735 1771258 2578899 SAP_BOBJ 2993054 1656250
 *	HANA               - 941735 1771258 1980196 2578899 2684254 2382421 2534844 2993054 1656250
 D	MAXDB              - 941735 1771258 2578899
	NETWEAVER          - 941735 1771258 2578899 2993054 1656250 900929
	NETWEAVER+HANA     - 941735 1771258 1980196 2578899 2684254 2382421 2534844 2993054 1656250
	S4HANA-APP+DB      - 941735 1771258 1980196 2578899 2684254 2382421 2534844 2993054 1656250
	S4HANA-APPSERVER   - 941735 1771258 2578899 2993054 1656250 900929
	S4HANA-DBSERVER    - 941735 1771258 1980196 2578899 2684254 2382421 2534844 2993054 1656250
	SAP-ASE            - 941735 1410736 1680803 1771258 2578899 2993054 1656250

# saptune note list
 *	2684254		SAP HANA DB: Recommended OS settings for SLES 15 / SLES for SAP Applications 15
			Version 20 from 02.07.2021 

# saptune note apply 2684254

NOTICE: note '2684254' already applied. Nothing to do

# saptune service enablestart

NOTICE: Starting 'saptune.service', this may take some time...
NOTICE: Service 'saptune.service' has been enabled and started.

# saptune service takeover

NOTICE: Starting 'saptune.service', this may take some time...
NOTICE: Service 'tuned.service' disabled and stopped
NOTICE: Service 'saptune.service' has been enabled and started.




SAPconf / SAPtune 데몬 상태 확인하기 

# systemctl status sapconf
● sapconf.service - sapconf
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sapconf.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)
# systemctl status saptune
● saptune.service - Optimise system for running SAP workloads
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/saptune.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (exited) since Mon 2022-03-21 11:09:32 KST; 39s ago
 Main PID: 1947 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Mar 21 11:09:32 test1 systemd[1]: Starting Optimise system for running SAP workloads...
Mar 21 11:09:32 test1 saptune[1947]: NOTICE: saptune is now tuning the system...
Mar 21 11:09:32 test1 saptune[1947]: WARNING: Parameter 'kernel.shmmax' additional defined in the following sysctl config file /boot/sysctl.conf-5.3.18->
Mar 21 11:09:32 test1 saptune[1947]: WARNING: Parameter 'kernel.shmall' additional defined in the following sysctl config file /boot/sysctl.conf-5.3.18->
Mar 21 11:09:32 test1 saptune[1947]: NOTICE: [block] section detected: Traversing all block devices can take a considerable amount of time.
Mar 21 11:09:32 test1 saptune[1947]: WARNING: System does not support Intel's performance bias setting
Mar 21 11:09:32 test1 saptune[1947]: WARNING: governor settings not supported by the system
Mar 21 11:09:32 test1 saptune[1947]: WARNING: latency settings not supported by the system
Mar 21 11:09:32 test1 systemd[1]: Started Optimise system for running SAP workloads.




* 참고 사이트 & 문헌




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